Walking the Road of Destiny is One You Will Eventually Walk Alone

by Stefany J. Jones on Saturday, July 11, 2009, at 11:21 pm

I don’t know about anyone else, but whenever I take a trip, I love to have company along. There’s just something so refreshing about a road trip and getting to know someone who’s together for the ride. Even if the person you are traveling with is someone you’ve known all your life, there is always something new to be learned.

I am learning, or rather have learned that when you begin traveling your “DESTINED PATH,” the company that you keep not only changes but gets pruned as well.

The numbers decrease, and eventually, you find yourself alone…and it’s just you and God.

Sometimes the most challenging thing to do is to admit what you already know, and the second most challenging thing is to face it. And while it doesn’t feel right to meet, the fact remains that when you know your life is purposed when you know you have things to accomplish, and when you know things are supposed to be drastically different from what they are – you cannot help but listen to that whisper in your spirit that tells you, don’t fret or fear just take one step at a time.

Nevertheless, fear aside, I don’t believe it’s the journey that becomes so plaguing, but a glimpse of the future that is waiting for you. To know in your heart and soul what awaits and have to make the journey alone is the scary part. What is imperative is that you don’t lose sight of the company you do have, and that is the companionship and the comfort of Father.

I am convinced that the reason why all others fall by the wayside during spiritual pursuits, is because you have to have no co-dependence on anyone or anything so that God can do His work. If for any reason, you believe that what transpires is because of something you’ve done or someone else has assisted with, there is a possibility of misplaced or even displaced glory and credit.

So when you feel alone, lost, and you don’t know where to turn. When the company you thought you’d keep is not there. Remember the comforter of your spirit and the companionship you have in Yeshua, your friend. He truly is the friend that will never leave nor forsake you.

