Ultra Magnetic: The Fuse of a Muse


There is nothing more beautiful than for one to find their muse. To discover in a partner or a mate, the thing that makes you ‘tick’ and want to be better and do better is a jackpot some have hit, and others take the gamble to try and find. While I don’t discount love, lust, or the chemistry factor, I have found that the ‘soul mate’ experience is probably the organic experience so many are striving for.

There is nothing sweeter than meeting again, the soul that once knew yours and has found the company in your presence yet, but now in the physical realm. There is nothing more satisfying than being in the company of that soul that makes the imperfections you feel you have perfect and the shortcomings list you’ve made very short.

There is a beauty that each of us has within that is magnetic. It attracts the likeness of who we are or who we see ourselves being one day. Sometimes, it is the attraction of who we used to be and never want to be again.

No matter the circumstances or the conditions, the fuse of a muse is ultra magnetic and causes you to soar to the highest heights. So if you find yourself with the insatiable appetite to fly like an eagle, and you’ve found that you still have yet to leave the ground – then you just may be in the company of chickens and you need to find new space. Leave the coup, journey into the unknown, and find that fuse with your muse so that you both can begin to soar!
