The Wonderful


by Stefany J. Jones on Thursday, August 10, 2020, at 1:00 pm

EVERYTHING WONDERFUL & ALL THINGS PERFECT IN YOU… Life’s beauty is absolutely in its lessons. If we are honest with ourselves, learning is a full-time job that we have until the day we die… that is if you’re lucky. The person who seeks to KNOW EVERYTHING and be a KNOW IT ALL is not at all what I’m talking about. I am speaking from the perspective of those people who know that every waking moment of every day for the rest of their lives will never be enough time to learn all it is available to identify, savor all there is to enjoy, admire all there is to be commended or even love all there is to love about people, places, or things. If one could imagine, I mean embrace, that GOD WALKS WITH YOU because He dwells INSIDE OF YOU, wouldn’t that change your perspective about LIFE as you’ve come to know it? Shouldn’t it?

I mean, take the time out to consider that EVERYTHING WONDERFUL, and ALL THINGS PERFECT is in your presence, keeping you company, and in alignment with you because of your commitment to LOVE, honor, cherish and share who you are with whomever you are able.

Imagine that same SOURCE emanates a love vibration on your behalf, and just WAITS for your petitions, commands, and professions so that FULFILLMENT can have its way. Would you still live with sadness, regret, and a low self-image? Would you still impose unrealistic expectations upon yourself and others? Or would you allow the peace and calm of that everything beautiful to make all things perfect and right within your soul?

It has become more apparent to me, and I shall touch on this subject tonight when I am used to delivering God’s word on this evening’s conference call (see appearances to the right), that we only find ourselves in places where we never want to be because of our lack of confidence in our SELVES. We’ve been given everything we would ever need to have the lives we could ever want at birth. It’s in our DESIGN, our DNA, in the deepest parts of our soul… it’s in every breath we take because it was BREATHED INTO us in the first place. From that first cry, it manifested as truth, and until we can handle the reality, we live our lives in the illusion of lies great and small. The truth is that WE ARE GREAT, WE ARE POWERFUL, and WE ARE MIGHTY all because of the GREAT, POWERFUL, and MIGHTY that is IN US!

