The Queen is Ruling Her Kingdom Well… Meet Brooklyn Tankard


Meet Brooklyn Tankard

Brooklyn TankardBeing born to a celebrity father who is famed musician Ben Tankard, Queen Brooklyn has forged a name all her own. She has beat insurmountable odds, achieved a successful career, become a household name, and has made her mark. This young soul with a heart of gold is unstoppable in her quest to make young people better and not bitter; in a world where self- love rules!

A true Queen sees herself through the looking glass and knows exactly who she is… meet the Queen who Never Leaves Her Throne

Brooklyn Tankard

Brooklyn Tankard, artistically known as “Queen Brooklyn”, is a woman of many hats including Bravo TV reality star, singer, empowerment speaker, life coach, serial CEO, and event and TV producer! The eldest daughter of world-renowned, platinum Gospel- Jazz artist and pastor Ben Tankard, she is definitely carrying on the torch of empowerment, philanthropy and the arts. Brooklyn quickly became the breakout star of her family’s hit reality TV show, “Thicker Than Water”, garnering the attention of 2 million viewers as fans fell in love with her fierce ambition, transparency, passion to serve people and hilarious personality!

A very impressive accomplishment for a young woman who was violently abused, raped, became addicted to drugs and dropped out of College. She later returned to college, received her business degree, started successful businesses and secured the production deal for her family’s reality show. The process of going through this valley to mountain top experience allowed Brooklyn to learn how to overcome the effects of violence, challenge limiting beliefs, identify real solutions to stop the negative cycle in her life and to discover her deeper purpose — which is to serve the world by utilizing her gifts of singing, speaking and producing to create experiences that empower others to thrive in their purpose and to provide solutions to violence.

What was life like growing up for you? What kind of family did you grow up in? I grew up in a single parent home with my mom, younger sister and brother. My mom was a very God fearing woman and she took us to church faithfully and talk to us about God often. We didn’t have lots of money and my mom was a hard workers She struggling to raise 3 kids while battling with depression. We would visit my father who was a traveling gospel-jazz musician and man of bold faith. He lived in really nice neighborhoods but his cars were repossessed often. So as a child I experienced poverty but also got to experience a glimpse of what people consider success.

As a child I experienced sexual, physical and psychological abuse from my step-brother and step-mom…This was my big secret and I was so ashamed and scared to tell. I was very insecure and broken. I began looking for love in the wrong places, got pregnant at 14 years old and moved out. Life was hard as a teenage mom and I got lost in the streets. Even though I lost my sense of self-love and value I always knew God had a bigger plan for my life. I knew he had great plans for me but I didn’t know exactly what or how it would happen.

How old were you when you knew this was your calling and what you were going to do for the rest of your life?

I’ve been a praise & worshipper since 2 years old. In the 3rd grade I started writing poetry and reading my bible diligently. I sang in the church choir, classical community choir at Belmont University, a gospel community choir and all around the house as far back as I can remember. I didn’t realize that singing, speaking and writing were my calling yet. I just knew I was called to change the world and that I loved God, music, writing and seeing people happy. In college I took a public speaking class, it was then that I realized I had a true calling to speak. At the age of 25, after overcoming more tribulations and finding my value again I realized that I was also called to create music to heal the soul.

Were you a dreamer growing up? What kinds of dreams did you have?
I was a big dreamer. I actually was very smart in math and science and won lots of science fairs for a robot I built to help people with respiratory diseases in the 7th grade. I thought that I would have a great career related to those subjects at the time. I also dreamed of traveling the world and helping people to be happy.

What made you decide to be what you have chosen as a profession today? Who were some of your earliest influences?
My heart’s desire is to use my gifts to help people be FREE mentally, spiritually, physically and financially. I personally have overcame depression, low self-esteem, abuse, limiting beliefs and a poverty mentality through the grace of God. I also have family members who I care for that have battled with abuse, mental health issues, depression to the point of hospitalization and suicide attempts. I get excited about the results I see in my personal and business life through diligently working everyday towards becoming the highest version of myself. I want to show others how to do the same, let people know that they are not alone and that they are great no matter how dysfunctional their past has been I have a burning desire to see people break through this bondage and I hate to see people in despair and falling away from God’s purpose in there lives.

How hard was it breaking into the business?

We hear stories all the time of people who try for years and never make it, and then other stories of overnight “in the right place at the right time” sensations. Which one do you think there’s more of? Those who pay their dues, or opportunity meeting preparation?
I definitely believe that preparation is key. Embracing the process with faith and action is required in my book period. Most of the time when things come too fast they don’t last. It is better to take years to build on a strong foundation based on character and purpose. IT IS SOMETHING ABOUT HAVING A WHY that is bigger than yourself, fame or fortune. Also, I view every challenge prepares me to emotionally handle the next level of my life.
How do you maintain your integrity in an otherwise very competitive and sometimes unscrupulous industry, as business at times can be cut throat?

I stay rooted in my faith. I read the bible, pray & meditate daily to make sure I am true to the highest version of myself. I also believe in Karma so I treat others how I want to be treated and if I make a mistake that is brought to my attention then I am quick to apologize and rectify misunderstandings.

“I LOVE; LOVE & HATE; HATE …and I will spread love and joy through my talents by any means necessary. I will die empty with no love left to give .” – Brooklyn Tankard

Guard your eyes and your ears like your life depends on it because it does.

What advice do you have for others who have THE dream?
Meditate, Visualize, Pray and Plan according to GODS will for your life. If you aren’t sure if your dreams align with his will for your life then ASK! He desires that we be prosperous in every area so don’t be afraid to JUMP! YOU ARE ROYALTY and you deserve to live your best life! Disconnect from negative and draining energy when you can.

How difficult is it to maintain a work-life balance? What measures do you take to ensure that you have that?

I believe in making sure that EVERYDAY I sharpen my saw with self-love and self-care practices. This allows me to balance everything better. I take about 2 hours early every morning to pray, meditate, journal, exercise and pamper myself! If I don’t I can definitely tell the difference.

What are some of the things you do to wind down and relax after grueling events and preparations for them?
Vacation to the Caribbean is one of my favorite things to do. I love sun bathing at the beach, live reggae music and Caribbean Food…..Especially Ox Tails and Plantains …They always make me VERY happy lol

What is your definition of peace? What is your definition of success? My definition of peace is going through the storm and the sunshine with the same smile because I have trust in my creator and choose to manage my emotions and thoughts. Being mindful to have loving thoughts towards myself and others even when situations make it difficult.

What type of legacy do you wish to leave?

That I provoked millions around the world to Love God, their self and others unconditionally. That I activated millions of people to walk in their purpose with boldness and confidence.

What is the one dream for yourself you most look forward to having come true?

Seeing my daughter grown up to be the Queen she was created to be. Traveling around the entire world experiencing culture and nature while walking in my purpose. I also would like to become a Billionaire and do lots of philanthropy work with the funds to make the world a better place.

I am excited about producing The I AM FREE Concert & Convo Tour which is traveling to over 20 Colleges and Institutions in 2019 helping people to be FREE & providing solutions to violence. God gave me the I AM FREE tour and movement as a way to use my gifts and create a platform for influencers to join me in the mission to help people be FREE . The ‘F’ in Free Means Free Thinkers Against Violence, ‘R’ stands for Radical Agents of Change, ‘E’ for Empowering Community Through Unity, and ‘E’ for Evolving To The Highest Version of Self. “

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