Saturday, July 27, 2024

    Dr. Stefany Jones


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    Dr. Stefany Jones is a business and life coach as you have never seen nor experienced in your life before. Coming in contact with her is like being surrounded by a different kind of energy and a different type of love. She’s coined herself as a spiritually based biblical business intelligence expert and prides herself on teaching women entrepreneurs how to master the integration of their Christian backgrounds is a global publisher and woman on the move like you’ve never seen.  Her entire business model is based on 4 pillars – Heal Your Heart, Hack Your Life, Harness Your Power and Build Your Digital Empire, takes women from every walk of life and virtually mentors them into their greatness. She is all about doing the work and aligning with the power of God inside to create the life you truly desire. She goes on to explain that her 4 pillars (which God gave her) are the ingredients handed down by the ages to give everyone the freedom to choose a life lived of their own creation. She emphasizes MINDSET (#Heal), MANIFESTATION (#Hack), MOTIVATION (#Harness) and MONETIZATION (#Build),  hence the use of her personalized hashtag #healhackharnessbuild. Dr. Stefany believes in creating the architecture and engineering of the structure one uses to have and live the life they want from the power and words of God to feed the super-conscious. She teaches her tribe of women not only how to identify and tap into their gifts, but how to monetize them and create multiple streams of passive income just by walking and operating in them.


    Born in Brooklyn, New York, she is the oldest sibling of four, a mother of three, and a mentor to many. She grew up a member of the Brooklyn chapter of Jack and Jill, attended the nationally acclaimed Camp Atwater in North Brookfield, Mass., and is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated.

    Sometimes referred to as The Hustle Mama, Dr. Stefany is an author, motivational speaker, publisher, business owner, and licensed professional business coach operating an empire that is influencing millions of women behind the scenes and almost completely under the radar. She is a 2021 recipient of The United States of America’s Presidential Award for Service.

    As a former Ivy League and Affordable Housing Development Real Estate Executive, Dr. Stefany has made her mark in media publishing and technology with more than 40 authored titles, 2 magazines in circulation (Hustle Mama: The Magazine for Today’s POWERHOUSE Woman and Life Coaching Today Magazine), a number of courses and master classes, and a tribe of women in the community she has built under the guise of Healing Hearts, Hacking Lives, Harnessing Power, and Building Digital Empires.

    Dr Stefany
    “The only way to the great YOU ARE is through the great I AM”. – Dr. Stefany


    During her professional career, she helped to start the Money Management Department at Janney Montgomery Scott, held various leadership roles over the span of 18 years at The University of Pennsylvania, had oversight of the Supportive Services programs for more than 10,000 units across 8 states while at Pennrose Management and Development Company, was Assistant to the National President of the largest private labor union for the Flight Attendants at American Airlines, and serves as Executive Director of Bridge Da Gap, the non-profit organization founded by Grammy nominated and Billboard Award winning music mogul and platinum selling super-producer Kevin “Khao” Cates.

    She’s served on several Boards of Directors, is an award winning and nationally recognized leader who champions for women and children, micro-lends to women-owned-businesses all over the world and has helped to support an orphanage of girls in Logan Town, Liberia West Africa. She’s no stranger to public and community service as she gave her life to ministry more than 20 years ago and became a temporary co-pastor to two Harlem, New York churches and served as an associate pastor for a church in Philadelphia, PA. After spending 20 years as a native New Yorker, 30 years in Pennsylvania, and having brief residencies in different states, she found new roots in the Atlanta metro area in 2021.

    Her background encompasses experience working in leadership for the largest and most comprehensive/aggressive Employer Assisted Housing Program in the country.  She’s also had oversight for the low income housing tax credit program’s Supportive Services compliance for family and senior housing sites across the country. With over 30 years of professional experience in mortgage banking/finance, financial literacy education, and social supportive services, Dr. Jones has been a consultant to large scale employers, government agencies and private developers; nationally assisting with self-sufficiency programs curricula, financial literacy and programming, urban renewal, brand management and economic development.

    Her varied endeavors have led to her phenomenal success as the former television talk show host of The Stefany J. Show, which aired on WFMZ and WBPH in Southeastern Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey, and Southern Delaware and all of the U.S. Virgin Islands on UPN. She went on to host her own show at FMHDMS Radio and was an early host on Blog Talk Radio.

    Her ability to multi-task a successful career, single parenting, and her own business did not circumvent her desire to leave the corporate world to fulfill and pursue her dream of becoming an entrepreneur. She became a published author in 2000 and has penned more than 40 titles. In 2010 she wrote, co-directed and produced her first stage play, Built on a Lie: The True Story of a Facebook Ruined Marriage, presenting an all-star cast to sold out audiences in Philadelphia, PA. In 2012 she wrote her first screen play and made her movie’s debut at the Philadelphia Independent Film Festival. As an author, motivational speaker, certified life coach, and business consultant Dr. Stefany Jones is a woman on the move and has been leading women and bringing others into that “Hustle Mama” movement along with her for more than 20 years.


    A woman who dares to live the truth of her destiny understanding the following guiding principle which she coined and lives by: “…you can run, but never hide (from destiny), for it wants you, chases you, reminds you.  It will not let you forget. It hungers and thirsts for you and will give you no peace until you surrender.”   Dr. Stefany is a woman caught by destiny, living the truth of her existence and encouraging others to join in the celebration of what life really has to offer….. which is EVERYTHING!

    What was life growing up like for you? What kind of family did you grow up in?

    Love, love, love and more love. I grew up in a loving family and household to two beautiful parents who were initially teachers. They worked together and were hard-working. They taught us the true meaning of love by their actions, deeds, and discipline. They gave us everything they had to give. A Christian household, a village of extended family, an excellent education, and then all the other good stuff like Jack and Jill, Camp Atwater, USTA Tennis Lessons, Broadway Plays, music lessons, etc..

    Were you a dreamer growing up? What kinds of dreams did you have?

    I was nothing but a dreamer growing up. In fact, that is all I did. I day dreamed and played make believe all day and night. As I got older I dreamed of being and doing so many things. I wanted to be a ballet dancer, a high fashion model for Ford, a teacher, a lawyer, a doctor, a tv talk show host, a writer, a rapper, oh and the wife of Michael Jackson. LOL.

    How old were you when you knew this was your calling and what you were going to do for the rest of your life?

    Oh there was absolutely no way in the world that I knew THIS is what I would be doing for the rest of my life. In fact, I think I’ve done so many things along the way on this journey, that I wouldn’t put it past myself to get into a few more things and ‘wish list’ items before leaving this world.

    How hard was it breaking into the business? We hear stories all the time of people who try for years and never make it, and then other stories of overnight “in the right place at the right time” sensations.

    It was extremely difficult breaking into the publishing business 15 years ago. Before starting Hustle Mama Magazine, I started another magazine called Our Christ and Lifestyle Magazine (which eventually became the tagline of my television talk show), and it ended up not taking off the way I wanted. I did learn a lot and what I learned I brought with me when I started Hustle Mama. I actually went to go write for a blog magazine at the time because a friend of mine told me they needed writers and were looking for bloggers. Well needless to say, they rejected me and sent me on my way. I tried a few more places and no one would bring me on. So, around 2006 or so, I decided to start my own blog and I started blogging online and writing what I wanted to say to the world. Then one day I was scrolling through social media and saw someone’s post about their magazine and that was an AHA moment for me. That’s when something triggered and I knew that’s what I wanted to do. It just clicked for me and I started creating everything in my mind from that very moment. I knew what I wanted to share with the world, what I wanted to give and that was the beginning of it all.I am not so sure that it’s always about being at the right place at the right time, as much as it is being prepared when you arrive at the place you were always meant to be.

    Which one do you think there’s more of? Those who pay their dues, or opportunity meeting preparation?

    I honestly think it’s a bit of both. Both can be winning lanes depending on the person as far as I am concerned. You have people who have worked hard to get where they are, worked hard and gotten nowhere, and then those who haven’t done much but have arrived. So you’ve gotta ask yourself, “what is it that really gets the person to making the cut?”.I personally believe it all has to do with mindset and the conscious mind. In this day and age of real time manifestation as never before, it is becoming clearer that many times the defining factor is the mindset of the definer himself. What does a person believe about themselves and their situations. How are they responding to their ‘appeared reality’.

    How do you maintain your integrity in an otherwise very competitive and sometimes unscrupulous industry, as business at times can be cut throat?

    To me, maintaining integrity is not really what you do, but more of  a matter of who you are, how you choose to define yourself, and if you lead and operate with the character you’ve always had as a person. While the industry can be filled with those who deem it competitive, I don’t really see it that way at all. I believe that we are all here to ‘play our part’ (as Neville Goddard says). I like to say that in the game of life, everyone is a player and everyone is playing their position. That doesn’t mean you can’t switch every now and then, however, will be called to the field and it’s best to be ready.

    What advice do you have for others who have THE dream?

    My advice to everyone is to please please please dream, keep dreaming, and dream big and bigger than that even. An even better piece of advice I can offer in addition to that is to never let your fears, perceptions of shortcomings, insecurities or unresolved regrets take root and corrupt those dreams and be the walls and barrier to your freedoms.

    What is it about this that makes you do what you do?

    It’s honestly all about purpose. After my near-death-experience in 2000, my entire world and outlook on life changed forever. When I came back I was different and there was more of a knowing that my life was not being lived “alone” if you will. That experience is what makes me do everything I do and live how I live. I honestly was better at it when I first ‘woke up’, but it’s all good. Each and every day is our opportunity as human beings to make a difference in another person’s life and change the course of humanity as a result.

    How difficult is it to maintain a work-life balance? What measures do you take to ensure that you have that?

    Well with a name like Hustle Mama, do you really have to ask? I’ve always been on my grind and always lived a multi-tasking life. Now, instead of being busy all the time I am strategically speaking, walking, and living in my purpose. As a result, work-life balance (which wasn’t ever on my radar before), is crucial. I have learned as I get older that we can wear our minds and our bodies out just like driving a car and putting hundreds of thousands of miles on the engine. I just keep reminding myself that this body I am in is a car. It has to be maintained, it needs fuel, and it has to be driven with care. As a result, I have learned in these last few years, especially with our Covid experience, that adequate rest as opposed to barely sufficient is necessary. I am also all about living in wisdom mentally, spiritually, physically, financially and emotionally. Doing so is the work-life balance formula that I need. Historically I’ve been an overachiever, and as such I’ve had to sit myself down and realize while I would like to do a lot of things in this lifetime, I can be content with what I accomplish overall.

    Would you consider yourself a driven person? What makes you a powerhouse? What is the source of your strength?

    Oh absolutely, and sometimes much too much. Let’s go back to that car analogy again. I am a powerhouse because of the engine that I’ve been built with inside of me. I believe that we are all born with seeds that are our gifts, skills, and talents. That these same seeds are what grow inside of us on this journey called life. That some will be nurtured and grow and blossom, while others may not bloom until much later, if at all. It’s definitely those seeds that God has given and planted in me, within the depths of my soul, that make me the powerhouse that I am. While I know it may sound cliché, truly the joy of the Lord (inside of my soul) is my strength. It is my engine fluid and I can’t run without it.

    What are some of the things you do to wind down and relax after grueling events and preparations for them?

    I am a dreamer and I am big on meditation. I listen to healing tones and sounds. I listen to music and I also read a lot. Sometimes, I do arts and crafts like create new vision boards and sometimes I just sit outside in my back and look at the woods and listen to the birds.

    What is your definition of peace?

    Love is peace and peace is love in my eyes. My definition of peace is knowing that I AM loved, I AM love, always safe, never alone, and not the least bit broken. That I AM fearfully and wonderfully made and that life (all of it), is happening for me and not to me. That I can go to sleep in only the conditions I desire and wake to the same, walking in alignment and in the power of my true nature and true divinity…to me that is peace.

    What is your definition of success?

    To me success is living the life of your choosing, because the life you have is what you have chosen whether a person realizes it or not. As a result, whatever structure we’ve created for ourselves that we can live with, thrive in, and be proud of is success as I see it. I think that many chase a life that is outside of themselves that they look upon instead of understanding that living comes from within and that success springs from that same place… within. For me, I am unable to put a monetary or worldly value upon it. In my eyes it can’t really be defined by achievements as much as it can by an inner contentment and pure joy. I thrive in environments that are filled with love, positivity, gratitude, and abundance. When I am surrounded by those things, I consider it success.


    Who’s been the greatest influence in your life?

    My family. They have truly been a village. My father was extremely influential in my life, and my mother as well. I’ve grandparents, aunts, uncles, everyone planted and nurtured and watered.


    Dr Stefany J
    “The Best Consciousness to Live in is the Superconscious Power of the Ultra Magnetic Mindset of I AM Oneness” – Dr. Stefany

    What is the one thing you want people to remember most about you and your work?

    The one thing I would like for people to remember most about me and my work is that I had a pure heart and heartfelt intentions to change the lives of every human being I came in contact with. My prayer every morning is “Lord, create in me a clean heart and renew in me a right spirit. May I be a good person and do good things for others. May I be great in you as you are in me, and do great things for humanity. May others see you when they look upon me. May they hear you when I speak and come to know the you inside of them when they connect with me.” I want people to view my work and know that it’s all been created from a place of love.

    What type of legacy do you wish to leave?

    I want to leave the legacy of being a woman who survived death, and as a result wanted to teach everyone she could how to live. A woman who found herself in some seemingly insurmountable circumstances, overcame some really life-threatening challenges, and still lived love throughout it all. I want my legacy to be one of triumph and possibilities.

    If there’s one thing you could change about your past, what would it be?

    If I were to answer that question in ego and flesh, I would say oh so many things and the list is way too long to even begin to recite. If I am to be real about it I would have to say nothing. I know that everything in life happens for a reason (good and bad). That we are all playing different positions, and that everyone has their part to play, their part to do, and their portion to live with. Everything I have been through made me who I am today. Have I had to resolve some regrets? Oh absolutely. I have had to forgive, and continue to forgive myself 70 times 7 in a day. Even with some of the life traumas I’ve experienced, I could never want to change them because they have helped me to be in a position to help others and fulfill my life’s purpose of helping others.

    If there’s one thing you could change about the world what would it be?

    I am changing the world. Every day that I evolve and become a better person myself, I become better for my family and those around me and that is how I’ve managed to change the world. If there was one thing I could change about the world’s condition, it would be that people realize that we can win wars with peace and not violence. That we are caretakers of our planet and we  could be more mindful of what we are leaving our children and future generations to come.


    So tell us about Hustle Mama Magazine.

    Oh my baby. I love everything about Hustle Mama Magazine. Hustle Mama: The Magazine for Today’s POWERHOUSE Woman highlights and supports the entrepreneurial efforts of women of noble purpose who HUSTLE. They Help, Unite, Share, Teach, Lead and Empower families communities and the world.

    We are more than just a magazine. We are a Mogul Mindset, a Movement of Manifestation, and are Motivating Millions of Women to Monetize their Messages by Healing their Hearts to their gifts and goals, Hacking their Lives and their businesses, Harnessing their Powers and aligning with their super-consciousness within, and Building their Digital Empires.


    Can you tell us about your circle?

    The Hustle Mama Tribe is our community of boss women (some with side hustles and some with their own companies), who are building digital wealth by creating digital real estate portfolios and passive income using automations. We learn together, laugh together and do business with each other as a collective. I really try to lean in and lead with my God-given gifts in my tribe. It’s important to me that women start with their hearts. That is where everything I teach begins with and ends for me. I share everything that I have learned over the years both from my formal higher education, as well as from taking courses, master classes, and learning from every coach and guru on the planet (well at least it feels like it LOL).

    Sounds like you’ve studied a lot.

    Yes I have. I love learning and am a forever student and I am perfectly ok with that. I study hard and work hard. You name the person, and I’ve been their student, a part of their FB groups, on their zooms, followed them on social media, or all of the above. LOL. Chris Duncan, Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, Tai Lopez, Maria Wendt, Christina Rowe, Coach T, Russell Brunson, Kevin Anson, Anthony Morrison, Danielle Leslie, Grace Lever, Aly Bloom and a host of others… way too many to name. I’ve invested thousands in my learning and education. You have to be willing to invest in yourself and your craft. It’s important for me to constantly learn, even if from books and YouTube videos. I have well over 800 books in my personal library and I love them all.

    Any last words?

    I just want people to know that there’s nothing you can’t do, be or have in this world. It is as much available to you and for you as it is for those you see making it happen on a daily basis. All you have to do is go within, deep inside to the depths of your soul and decide, believe with your how heart, speak from the heart with clear thoughts in your mind about what you see yourself doing and having, and keep walking one day and one step with your eyes, mind, heart and arms open wide enough to receive it all!

    Here are some quotes to use throughout the interview and with or under my pictures.

     “The Best Consciousness to Live in is the Superconscious Power of the Ultra Magnetic Mindset of I AM Oneness” – Dr. Stefany

    “Nice is what you can be, kind is who you are.” – Dr. Stefany

    “The only way to the great YOU ARE is through the great I AM”. – Dr. Stefany







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