Signs of a Short Attention Span and Tips to Improve It


With the advent of the internet and social media to communicate, it is not unusual for netizens to find their minds wandering away when they should be focused on something. According to a study conducted back in 2010, the average human spends around 47 percent of their waking hours thinking about things that are unrelated to what they’re doing.

While this isn’t a significant cause of concern in most cases, a short attention span could also be a sign of some primary underlying condition, such as an ADHD disorder.

Technology has done wonders for society as a whole. From healthcare to transportation and communication, we have seen several drastic improvements during the last few years. However, it is undeniable that the fast-paced nature of modern society has led to more people suffering from a shorter attention span than ever before.

Shorter attention spans could be caused by medical conditions such as ADHD. But, at its root, the problem has much to do with the modern tech world prying our attention away from what we are doing to other things.

This article looks at some of the signs of a short attention span and what can improve the situation. We mention our remedies in the form of some tips.

Signs and Risk Factors

People with a short attention span may face complications focusing on tasks for a given length of time. They get easily distracted and are unable to remain focused on what they’re doing.

A short attention span usually comes with several adverse effects, including:

  • Poor performance at work or school
  • Missing important details or bits of information in your public dealing
  • Inability to perform and complete daily tasks
  • Communication problems in relationships
  • Poor health standards due to the failure to continuously focus on healthy habit

These risk factors are further aggravated when the problem turns into something like ADHD or some other condition. Some signs commonly associated with a short attention span include:

Missing key details in communication or work-related tasks. People with a short attention span will forget to cover all details within their work tasks and have regrets later.
Difficulty in communicating with others around you. People with short attention inability to attentively listen during meetings and lectures. People with a short attention span will find it hard to remain attentive during lectures and discussions.

Easy to distract. People with a short attention span are easily distracted and are unable to focus on things for long. They might even start looking for distractions when they aren’t attentively following something.

Inability to act upon tasks. People with a short attention span might not be able to follow up on assignments given to them. They either miss out on necessary details or mess them up. In any case, the inability to get work done can lead to professional failure.

Inability to attentively listen during meetings and lectures. People with a short attention span will find it hard to remain attentive during lectures and discussions.
Easy to distract. People with a short attention span are easily distracted and are unable to focus on things for long. They might even start looking for distractions when they aren’t attentively following something.

Inability to act upon tasks. People with a short attention span might not be able to follow up on assignments given to them. They either miss out on necessary details or mess them up. In any case, the inability to get work done can lead to professional failure.

Tips to Improve Your Short Attention Span
If you witness any of the signs above in your daily routine, it is time for you to improve it. You will have to tighten your attention span through several tips mentioned down by experts. Follow these tips and learn how to improve your focus and attention span.

Curb Screen Time
Through extensive research, it has already been determined that electronics are the root cause behind short attention spans in humans today. The easy access to online videos, endless web pages, and social media can lead our minds to spin in constant circles.

The internet today has almost too much information for us to handle today. How many times are you sidetracked by a simple Facebook or an Insta notif at work? You leave what you’re doing, check up on the notification, and disturb whatever momentum you had built.

You can minimize the disruptions caused by screen time by limiting your phone usage to just texting and calling. Stick to just texting and calling and use your phone for just that purpose. Delete all social media applications and games from your phone.

Remove Distractions
Funnily enough, your mobile device isn’t the only thing that is calling for your attention. Some other items can be equally distracting, if not more or less. Regardless of whether you are working from home or your workplace, there may be some things that can distract you from what you are doing and take your attention away. Figure out what these factors are and how you can work on them to minimize them.

Even minor distractions such as the background noise in your room, along with whether it is too hot or too cold, can make you fidgety in this regard. Items cluttering your workstation can also lead to anxiety and stress, eventually acting as distractions more than anything else. Anything that breaks your rhythm should be avoided and minimized from the workplace.

Make Notes
When was the last time you were part of a particularly dull classroom session, training session, or meeting and wanted to look for things that could distract you and maybe offer some solace in the time being? The more you follow this perspective, the more you try to look for distractions in critical events and meetings. This attitude can be toxic, as it carries into every other meeting and training session you attend.

You can change this mindset by taking notes during important meetings and training sessions. Taking notes significantly helps improve your memory and allows you to stay focused at the moment. Notes also allow your brain to recall specifics during times of confusion and to find out when and where a particular point was discussed. If you don’t want to miss out on essential details, this technique will help.

Drink Lots of Water
While we know the benefits of staying hydrated for your physical health, it also comes with several benefits directed towards improving a short attention span. Dehydration tends to eat away your ability to think and remain focused at work. Even the slightest bit of dehydration can make you feel down and low on energy.

Make sure that you drink enough water during the day, and do not just start guzzling water when you feel you have something important to do that requires your focus and energy. Develop the proper habits, and you won’t ever have to worry about dehydration posing a hindrance ever again.

Get Some Exercise
Exercise or physical activities, in general, are beneficial in several ways. Taking care of your body can have several physical, emotional, and mental benefits. Besides just helping you improve your overall physical appearance, working out can also rid you of a short attention span and develop your ability to remain focused during the day.

Start slow when you are developing a new exercise schedule. You don’t have to start with a rigorous routine. An e-bike can be an excellent way to get into the exercise game and start your workout journey. Outdoor exercise can be beneficial as it gives you some Vitamin D and does wonders for your brain.

Meditation might sound like the complete opposite of exercising and working out but has similar benefits. Meditation isn’t just sitting idle and letting your mind wander. It is an alternate way to see the reality around you and regain your focus and perspective on things. Meditation involves a series of defined steps that help make the process easier to manage for you, eventually increasing your attention span.

Most forms of meditation require individuals to maintain a calm atmosphere coupled with exercises focused on breathing in and out.

The extra oxygen flow helps stimulate your brain, and the cadence enables you to relax and reclaim your min. You can give meditation a try on all kinds of days, particularly when you feel tired. Turn to calming sounds in a private place and enjoy the serenity that comes with the peaceful sounds.

Take A Break

A short attention span is usually the result of pressure being exerted on your mind and body. The challenging requirements of your corporate 9 to 5 routine can put an endless amount of pressure on you. While meditation does help gain perspective and regain focus, it will suit you better to take a few moments out and take a break.

If your focus keeps getting drawn away, the chances are that you’re suffering from burnout. A brain break in the form of a 3-day excursion or a short trip will help you regroup and buckle down your objectives.

Chew Gum
While this simple activity does not come with any magical properties, it has been scientifically proven to help you improve your focus. It is, in fact, true: chewing gum helps you retain your focus and stay committed to the job. You can derive results through this activity without getting distracted.

Drivers who have ever popped a pack of gum to stay awake while driving late on the highway would know the impact gum can have on them. The same holds for visiting focused at work. A piece of gum can do wonders if you feel your mind slipping on a workday.

Stop Multitasking
Several people, especially women, in the corporate sector pride themselves on their ability to multitask. While this can be a valuable skill, constantly setting complicated goals for yourself can worsen your already bad attention span. When you feel that you are slipping, it is time that you stop multitasking and take a break for a while.

Force yourself to slow down and focus on the things around you. There will be days when you won’t be able to multitask, which is alright. Just take a break and have a halt on all such days.

Prioritize Sleep
The human brain fails to function correctly when it hasn’t had a proper sleep. Develop a consistent sleep schedule that allows you to get some much-needed shut-eye and does not deprive you of one thing your body needs the most. Make sure you are getting the proper hours of sleep every night to improve your attention span.

Once you go to bed at a decent hour every night, you will wake up on time and be fresh for the rest of the day. Too little sleep can make you feel sluggish and groggy during the day, and you won’t be able to focus your attention on the essential details that matter.

Turn The Music On
While music can be a distraction for some, for others, it allows them to focus better. A good playlist will enable you to channel your internal energy and focus on what’s happening around you. When you fill your mind in with the positivity of music, you will not be distracted by the distractions around you.

Play Brain Games
Finally, you can practice playing some brain games to strengthen your brain. Your brain is a muscle, and maintaining it through brain games can work wonders for you. Look for exciting activities online that help you polish your brain and get yourself to improve your short attention span.

A short attention span can negatively impact your work, studies, mental life, and many more aspects of your daily life. We hope the tips in this article help improve your attention span and bring about a positive change in it.
