Saturday, July 27, 2024

    Valerie Veal


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    Tell us a little about yourself and your family

    Valerie Veal : I am from Columbus, Ohio, and the youngest of 4 siblings. There is a 15 year age difference between myself and my siblings, so I have an old soul by default. I have a 5-year-old daughter named Curria, and she keeps me together. Sometimes I’m not sure if I am raising a Kindergartner or a Senior in high school because she too has an old soul. She keeps me on my toes.

    I have the most amazing support system in my mother. She created and raised me to be the powerhouse woman that I am. There is nothing that she hasn’t done for my daughter and me. She never stops sacrificing and loving us the best way she can, even though she has raised many generations of children into adulthood.

    I love understanding individuals and hearing their stories. This is not just to coach them, but I want to show them my compassion and support. It is a ministry for me. I am an ordained pastor and certified life coach. I do not consider my most memorable moments to be those broadcasted. Instead, I believe my most memorable moments to be those that are truly impactful. It gives me so much life to share the love of God.

    I am a baker; I owned and operated a baking business for many years. I recently decided to focus solely on coaching. But I can still put all kinds of sweet love into a slice of cake. I enjoy dancing, traveling, and catching up with friends.

    What is your current profession and how did you make that choice?

    I am currently a leadership coach and mentor. It is not something that I always felt I wanted to be. I wanted to be an attorney, but I quickly realized it didn’t fit me. Honestly, I was lost and did not know what I wanted to do professionally for a long time.

    I spent many years doing jobs I did not enjoy, but it paid the bills. My life’s purpose did not unfold until I became a survivor of depression, anxiety, and the lowest self-worth possible. When I came out of that dark place, I vowed not to live my life another day without actively working to help others out of that place too. That is when I was led to become a life coach to women and mentor our youth.

    What are some of the goals and dreams you have for the future?

    Well, you know, as powerhouse women, there is always a big dream up our sleeves. I ultimately want to provide resources and support to women pursuing entrepreneurship. I want to work with women who have little to no support with their children, living expenses, and development skills.

    I hear so many women who desire to do great things; life-changing ideas. Some often feel that their ideas will happen if they just keep grinding.   However, they don’t have the support they need to bring it to life. The reality is that you need a support team, especially for women, to pursue your dreams.

    When women have someone to take their kids to the park while they work on their business is more than helpful. Having support allows women time to focus on doing tasks such as updating their website, making telephone calls, or packaging products; this support makes a big difference to us hustle mamas. I desire to create a huge organization that specifically helps women with these issues.

    What advice do you have for others who want to live in their calling?

    To anyone who wants to live in their calling and pursue their purpose, I suggest that you must first find peace and heal your heart. Dr. Stefany brought this to my attention, and I continue to pass this word around in hopes that others will catch it as well.

    Your calling will always be a part of you and who you are. Your calling does not go away; it isn’t created when you finish high school or college. It is the intention behind your creation, and your calling is the thing that makes you unique. Your purpose is about you aligning with what is predestined for your life. You will come in alignment with your calling when you do the work.

    I learned that the hard way, starting and stopping in business and ministry because I doubted myself and carried so much baggage from my past. I can now fully walk in my calling through forgiveness and finding my true purpose.

    Living in your purpose allows you have security. You are no longer asking for opinions and permission from others to do things the way God wants you to. He has already given you the okay, and you are ready!

    How do you maintain your integrity in an otherwise highly competitive and sometimes unscrupulous industry, as business at times can be cutthroat?

    Yes, business can sometimes be a nasty game, and that comes with the territory. However, maintaining my integrity comes down to two things primarily. The first is knowing that I am set apart. I cannot do things like everyone else because I am not everyone else.

    I am not in the business of concerning myself with how everyone else moves. I am about how I am supposed to move. I represent God wherever I go. To get to where you need to in business, you have to have heart, understanding, patience, and self-control.

    There is no competition when you are doing what you are supposed to be doing, and I stay focused on that. Since I am right where I am supposed to be, the cutthroats don’t exist…lol.

    Would you consider yourself a driven person? What makes you a powerhouse? What is the source of your strength?

    I am definitely a driven person, and I always have been since I was a child. I am a powerhouse woman because I choose to do the work! I had to fight for the things I have, as few things were placed in my hands. I also know that I cannot do it independently, and I receive the help I need to make it to the next level. It takes a community to make things happen in life. I have a strong support system, and I am grateful for that.

    My strength comes from Jesus! When I was at my weakest point, I didn’t know anything else to do but call on Him. I tried medication, therapy, counseling, familial support, and other things. Although these resources helped me keep going, they were not the main source.

    So, with Christ, I was strengthened and put back in the race towards the mark. Every challenge I made it through, my strength meter continued to elevate. I know now that I can conquer anything if I beat that situation. If God said he would never leave me, then what am I waiting for? I am going to take it to the moon and take it to the stars!

    How difficult is it to maintain work-life balance? What measures do you take to ensure that you have it?

    Okay, believe it or not, this is one I am still trying to figure out. It seems like every time I think I’ve figured it out, well, here comes a curveball, and I have never been good at sports.

    At this stage of my life, I believe that I have the best handle on work-life balance than I ever have. I can accomplish a level of work-life balance by being intentional and honest with myself.

    I am a huge motivational speaker enthusiast. I love many of them like Les Brown, John Rohn, Eric Thomas, and more. I have realized a trend with most of these speakers. They are male…lol! While they are motivating, they don’t really focus on work-life balance as a woman would. For them, it’s about discipline, hustle, and no sleep.

    I realize that yes, I want all these speakers are saying that it is possible. However, at the same time, I am a single mother, I need to get rest, and most of all, I need some time with my Kindergartner.
    So, I review with the guru’s suggest how I spend my time as an entrepreneur. Then I am honest with myself on where I can give it my all and when I need to chill and just be Mommy.

    I set goals for myself. I create goals on how much time I will spend with my daughter uninterrupted, how much time I will spend on self-care, and then how much time I have for pleasure. I also prioritize my business and my clients.

    Work-Life balance is what you make it. So you have to decide what you want and create a tangible plan that you can follow. Don’t be prideful with your life. If you need to write a sticky note on your car’s dashboard that says, listen to your daughter when she gets in the car for the first 15 minutes, then do that.
    As entrepreneurs, our minds can be in a million places, and then we are not present where and when we need to be. So be intentional when creating that balance. Prioritizing in this manner has been working for me.

    What type of legacy do you wish to leave?

    The legacy I want to leave represents availability. I want everyone to know and be aware that they are not alone. I want people to understand that they are not alone, even if they can’t see or identify their goals yet. I want others to believe in themselves like never before, and they can live like never before! Everyone can achieve a life of peace, purpose, and success.

    I want to leave a legacy of opportunities that provides opportunities for others. I want to position myself to pass the baton to others, and they run with it. If they think they can probably achieve something, then there is probable cause that it will happen (there’s the attorney in me coming out).

    I want others to know they can be fearless leaders and change agents. I want my legacy to include providing people with the tools and resources to go after their dreams and own them! I want to know for as a woman who has shown others that they can live purposed lives and build better communities.

    If there is one thing you could change about your past, what would it be?

    I usually try not to go over my regrets continuously. I believe everything happens for a reason and a season. Ultimately our steps are ordered by God. But if I had to change one thing, I would have healed my heart the moment I realized it was damaged.

    Girl, it is so refreshing to live a life and make decisions with a healed heart. So yes, I could have enjoyed certain aspects of my life sooner; that would have been cool. However, either way, I am right where I am supposed to be.

    What steps do you take to maintain strong positive relationships in your life (spouse/partner/children, friends, etc.)?
    Three steps:

    Positivity in a relationship has to thrive from those three things.  If not, that just means our season is up, and that’s okay.

    Do you have anything else you would like to share with our readers?

    Yes, I am creating a community of women leaders called The Pop-Out Squad. We support one another on their journey into peace, purpose, and success. They have dedicated themselves to doing the work that puts their faith to the test. We are a community of women working on executing our hopes, dreams, and desires one goal at a time until mastery.

    The Pop-Out Squad is a group of women who are world-changers and leaders. We are creatives, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, ministers, and educators. I am a witness that it takes a community to help you get out of that stuck place, and we are that community. Join the Facebook group and get tapped into the community. I love my girls; we will do some amazing things this year.

    Valerie Veal Contact INFO

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    ⟡ What lead to my after divorce glow:
    ⟡ Being the God Girl and Feeling Stuck:

    ♡ CONTACT: For potential business inquiries and partnerships: anewthing360@gmail.com

    And make sure you subscribe to my channel!



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