The Supernatural Power of Peace and Love

peace and love
by Stefany J. Jones on Tuesday, July 7, 2020, at 6:14 am

I cannot even begin to stress the absolute POWER OF PEACE AND LOVE and what it means to me, does too, and for me – and other people for that matter. If God is love, then He is also peace.

I’m telling you that with God in your life, there is NOT ONE THING AT ALL on this planet that can hurt you, sway you, or take you off your beaten path to destiny. (Notice I said ‘beaten path’).

If peace and love are the sources of our supply, it is no wonder that so many in our society have a lack. As for me, I REFUSE to accept anything in this vessel that is negative and not of God. I went to the 8 o’clock service at my church (where I’m only a visiting member), and a stand-in minister gave the message. I got excited when I found out the text was from Numbers because that is what I had been studying all last week. (That’s what happens when you are in a tribulating moment with the Lord).

So I was ready to hear from the spirit, and all the preacher could say were negative things. I’m not lying, I timed him, and the 15 minutes of speech were all negative things and complaints and woes. Then he went to the scripture and hammered on the negativity of the children of Israel. It was so disturbing and hurtful to me. I looked at my assistant and asked, “are you ready to go?” she replied, “yes,” and we left.

I am grateful to be at a point in my life, and my spirit where peace surrounds me and love is in my heart for everyone. I’m slowly getting back to that excellent place of existence where I was after waking from the coma.

The supernatural power of peace and love will not allow you to accept anything negative or NOT RIGHT or NOT of God into your vessel. The supernatural power of peace and love will give you the ability to instantly forgive anyone who has wronged you, done you harm, or hurt you to your core — and still befriend them with understanding and compassion.

The supernatural power of peace and love will give you the ability to fearlessly face any situation that lies ahead of you with the confidence and knowledge that your steps are ordered, and this is a part of the destined path. So when fear tries to enter in, the only thing that it meets is your confidence in knowing the outcome is for your benefit through and through.

Power of Peace and Love

