The Edge

the edge

by Stefany J. Jones on Thursday, August 17, 2020, at 10:00 pm

On the edge and THE VERGE… Have you ever found yourself on the verge of something so big that you get this knotted ball of anxiety in the pit of your stomach and the middle of your chest, and it’s so present you can hardly breathe?

Have you ever been so nervous at the mere THOUGHT of what is about to happen to you, that you can’t think straight? Have you ever been over-taken with a feeling of hitting the jackpot and feeling all of the cells within your body tingling to the point where you feel like they are trying to jump out of your skin? Have you ever been so overcome with an emotional feeling of something so WOW and indescribable, that it is to the point where tears began falling down your face and you just couldn’t help yourself?

Well, as for me, I have felt all of those things. I remember having all of the aforementioned sentiments and body triggers whenever something big was going down at work, or whenever I had a major project due that I was almost ahead of a task in completing, or better still when I was called into a meeting with the President of my company and had to belabor the reason why for days until it occurred. I remember those feelings and emotions, the anxiety, mind-racing, thought rationalizations, and various scenarios of multiple possible outcomes (both good and bad). I remember thinking to myself during those moments that must be how ulcers are born, stress is induced, high blood pressure takes its place, and worry gets triggered.

Now that I have moved past my corporate identity and experience into business ownership, I can say that those closeted thoughts and emotions still find their place and space in my world. It’s funny how this conscious and unconscious mind of our works. I’m sure that these are the same feelings musicians feel right before the biggest performances of their lives, or athletes surrender to when it’s playoff time, or better still the everyday person signing the contract that is their deal of a lifetime.

It’s ironic that those same sentiments don’t discriminate and are felt and present whether you are on the edge of a cliff or the verge of something fabulous. The mind nor body has time for the details; it just brings forth the chemical answers as it reacts to the triggering factors.

Well, I say since it is something that can’t be contained, that can be harmful or harmless depending upon the triggers, we might as well stay in the moment of creating positive variables so that the triggers become everything beautiful as a result of our joy and excitement of what we are to embark upon. To do that, we must live the best lives possible filled with hopes and big visions of the abundance that lies in front of us for the asking, and the greatness that lies beneath this skin of ours that is waiting to be realized. I say since we have a choice in the matter and ALL MATTERS, let’s just choose to live on the VERGE of that WOW and love vibration as much as possible and leave the edge alone for good.

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