Saturday, July 27, 2024

    The Clean Up


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    Every one of us has certain aspects of life that don’t work. You may have a painful relationship or have trouble paying your bills. Let’s focus on recreating you! No, we are not looking to perfect you, just help you change some things in your life to reignite your love of life.

    When you let things hinder and/or take control of your life and your happiness, it tends to make life less enjoyable. Take a stand and no longer shall we let things accumulate. As we do spring cleaning with our homes, I also recommend you do some spring cleaning of your life.

    Now it’s time to handle these items. It’s time to end the suffering and take charge of your life. It’s time to have your life be as great as it can be. The first step is no longer being dependent on others and starting “THE CLEAN UP” process.

    Next, make a list of everything in your life that isn’t working. Be as specific as possible. List the big items and then the small ones. If you miss a certain person in your life, who you may not have spoken to in some time, add their names to the list. People are also part of “THE CLEAN UP PROCESS.” Fixing relationships with others and/or letting go of toxic people who mean you no good are all part of the plan.

    The decision to make a change has been decided. The list has been made. It’s time to set yourself free. The opportunity is now! Do not delay any further,start today in cleaning up your life. Learn to live in the experience of love and learn to cope and get through the pain of life with hopes that it makes you a better person. When you choose to clean your life up, you find yourself in a place where you are 3 things:

    1. 1)  HAPPY;
    2. 2)  ALIVE; and
    3. 3)  FREE. Below I focus on those three (3) topics that tend to hinder people from living their best life.

    HAPPY – Let’s get you back to you and living with no more regrets. Know that God did not bring you to it, just to let you sit there and wallow. He brought you through it to see that with struggle comes strength. Happiness starts from within, not from others. Take charge and start cleaning up your inner self and making room only for those who mean you well. No longer will you allow someone to rent space in your head and/or heart for free. Today, wake up and say: “I LOVE YOU, BUT I LOVE ME MORE!” Be proud of the person that you see in the mirror. The one you wake up to. Take a moment to sit and reminisce on the things that excite you and make you happy and let’s get those things back in your life.

    Remember, “don’t let your happenings control your happiness!”

    ALIVE – Giving you a reason to get up and live. Sometimes along our journeys of life, we tend to allow things and/or people to hurt our soul and/or kill our spirit. We tend to give people the control of what we should or could be doing and how we should cope, when those people are going on with their lives. Recently I read where someone said,“you only live once.” The response from the other person is what kept me WOKE. The response to that was “Wrong, you only die once, but you live every day!” Life is precious and life is short, so remember while you sit feeling sorry for yourself and/or not taking advantage of your good and bad days, there are people wishing they were still here on earth. Every day will not be sunshine, but every day you will get lemonades. On the good days, make lemonade and on the hard days, add a splash of lemon to a shot of tequila and keep it moving.

    Remember, “life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain!”

    FREE – Give charity your bags and tell them no pity party here. Too many times we tend to walk around with extra baggage of stuff we do not need. Those bags weigh us down and slow us down. Take a second and go through that bag and see what is in that bag you no longer need. Start giving that stuff away. Start ripping up the stuff that holds too many memories, but whatever you do, do not put none of those items you remove from the bag on a shelf. When you empty the bag and you still feel yourself captive, then maybe your next choice is to heck, get rid of the bag. Let go of those people and those things that are not allowing you to grow. Be mindful of the people that you sit with. Be mindful of the company you keep and most importantly, be mindful of the ones weighing you down. Never feel guilty of spoon-feeding people from a distance, if that is what it takes to feel better and free.

    Remember, “never make someone a priority, when you are only an option!”

    It’s time to set yourself free!

    From Beauty Tips to Health Issues to Redefining You, we at Hustle Mama Magazine are here for you! Our articles, inspire, motivate, teach and cultivate the inner you. Spiritually and Emotionally, we will not just show you that you are not alone, but we will celebrate you and join the forces that guide you, support you and lift you up!

    Cecile Anthony-Bryan Senior Staff Editor


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