Friday, May 3, 2024

    Tag: spirituality


    Good and Faithful

    "Well done good and faithful servant... " these are the words that every believer wants to hear from the Master when He returns and...

    A Simple Parable

    I love this parable. Whether it is authentic or not, the message is important and very, very true. An old Cherokee chief was teaching his...

    The Faith Evolution

    "The evolution of faith usually spanning millions of years, typically looks like this: Not believing in "the Universe." Believing in "the Universe," but secretly doubting it,...

    Tuning Into Light

    Bless others in your gaze by an engaging stare; You don't need to identify the reason(s) that bring you bliss, joy, or happiness. Sometimes...

    Manifesting Success

    MANIFESTING SUCCESS No matter what you want to achieve in life, how you want things to turn out or what you want to have in...

    Tapping Into an Incredible Power

    You have incredible powers that are yet to be tapped. How long has it been since you've had a good idea? An hour? A few minutes?...