by Stefany J. Jones on Thursday, July 13, 2020, at 05:00 pm

As we begin to bring 2011 to a close, it is becoming more apparent that there is a SHIFT taking place in all walks of life for so many people.

CHANGE is going to come, and it is inevitable whether we are prepared or not. I think that for some of us, the adaptability to changes is not universal nor met with ease/grace. I know for me I used to be a person who was utterly resistant to change, especially in the workplace.

I never adapted well, and looking back on my reactions, I am not too sure of why that was. I think it is because once I settled into a routine, once I was comfortable in a space and place, I did not like to be bothered or messed with. It’s like sinking into a new apartment, picking out the perfect furnishings, and someone telling you to pack your bags and get ready because the plans have changed.

Now that I’m thinking about it, I have never been one to do well with shift changes in my personal life either.

As human beings, we all have a side to us that is spontaneous, risk-taking, and edgy. Now the degree to which those characteristics present themselves differs from person to person. In that same respect, some are less fluid and more rigid, methodical, and organized. Again, the degree to which depends upon the respective person. My nature is unlike the ordinary. I have a creative and artistic mind; I used to be ambidextrous, although I write with my left hand (so I’m a right-brained individual). I also am very statistical and analytical in my approach to so many things. I guess that would make me an anomaly. (LOL).

Nevertheless, I wear so many hats and have made my entire life adjusting to shifting changes and upheavals of every kind in every type of circumstance.

I have adapted well, although such experiences have not been without taking their toll on my personality. As a result, I have become a go-getter but impatient, I’ve been nomadic (never set up shop in one place for very long), I over commit and I over-deliver (thank goodness my perfectionist tendencies don’t leave room for not keeping my word). I have commitment issues (or so I’ve been told.. it depends on who you ask..LOL).

At the end of the day, I am learning that SHIFT CHANGES are a natural progression and part of the universe’s order of things. It’s right up there with SEASONS, which are shift changes of a different kind.

I no longer reject change or look at it from the same perspective. I now EMBRACE and WELCOME it on all fronts. I have learned that when I CHEW ON the change that finds its way into my life, I can SAVOR all of the FLAVOR of its intended use… that for PURPOSE.

If we remain in our comfort zones, if we don’t push past our strengths and abilities, if we are never challenged to perform beyond our capabilities, if we are never invited to think of those things we never knew existed, if we are not introduced to the possibilities which expand beyond our scope how are we ever to soar to new and greater heights? We are not. The plain truth is that if you are a person who avoids SHIFT CHANGES in your life, then you are running away from the DESTINY that is waiting for you!

