Transforming the College Dorm Room

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The Transformation of Your College Dorm Room – Is It Possible?

Obstacles are there for everyone to overcome! But a dorm room has unique challenges… 

Entering college for the first time or transfer student to a school you dreamed about attending since high school is mind-blowing. The breath of fresh air, the scenery of the campus, and thousands of new people that’s like me dealing with the same obstacles when it comes to the college dorm room. If there’s a time for help, aid, or guidance, let me show you how the transformation process began!

Step 1: Observe the room

We all know a college is a place with rising school tuition and prices! Therefore, our dorm room price would go up as well. So, entering the room for the first can be two things: mind-blowing or depressing! Depressing was my outcome when I began my place on the 7th floor at my institution. The impact it had on me to the energy out the atmosphere that I was carrying with me after touring the impressive campus. I had to commit!

Step 2: Accept the problem

The first step of any process is to recognize that problems are dealing with your dorm room. The disadvantage of that is how every dorm room will not have the same layout, size, or furniture available right at move-in day. Therefore, research can be useful, but it’s not always the best way. After recognizing that first, this allowed me to change my mindset from a negative outlook to a possible outlook. The worst thing that can lead to a negative outcome is by having a negative mindset.

Step 3: What do you like?

With the transformation beginning with my mindset, I now could successfully brainstorm possible outcomes, ideas, and decoration ideas. While I have known that I must have my college dorm room look like my home, I ran out of ideas that could help my current situation. So, I began with the basics by writing down my existing thoughts and comparing them to my room back home. We all know that our place back home with our parents are the best, but we must make the ultimate sacrifice and transform that tradition, style, and atmosphere that we like to the dorm room at college.

Step 4: Ready to Act

After Step 1, 2, and 3 have been completed, the final stage is ready for action to take place. This is what you have been waiting for! The college transformation process starting with your dorm should change because of the impact it can have on your grades, invitation for friends, and study nights. I knew that for me to make that change, I need to put some action behind those words. With the understanding that some local retail stores were within my proximity, I had the worst experience with finding things on my idea list or suggestions that were either out of stock, not in the condition that as available for purchase, and the extremely long lines that were time-consuming. As a college student, time management is something that must be valued because of the hundreds of social events, study sessions, and games that are going to be taking place. This can become frustrating if parents aren’t there to help during the process. I continued to struggle with selecting items that were reasonable prices with “GREAT” quality until the change happened!
