Surviving Jet Lag


No matter whether your journey is lengthy or short, it is always wearying when traveling for business. The job of going through airports, dealing with delays, handing your things, getting transportation at your destination town, and going to the meeting is much greater stress than you usually go through doing business at home. But when you add the obstacles presented by jet lag, you face physical discomfort that can almost feel like you are getting sick as your body responds to the long-distance trip.

It is good to have some ways to stop jet lag when traveling abroad or across several time zones. Yes, you can get jet lag just going from the east to the west coast domestically. Jet lag begins from the shift in time zones, and the change your body has to execute to deal with the new periods in that time zone.

We are not conscious of it, but our bodies are finely harmonized to work at their best in our homes’ time zone. Our body clocks are tuned to respond to the time of day, the morning and evening cycle, environmental circumstances, and the local conditions’ influence. We have an internal monitor informing us when we should rest or be alert based on that internal clock.

When we go to a new time zone, while our brain finds it strange that it is a particular time of day that is out of sync with what we recognize, our bodies go into quite a tense adaptation to adjust to the new environment. That is why you may not be capable of sleeping in a new time zone when it is 11 p.m. 

The signs of jet lag are fatigue, lack of appetite, shortness of temperament, and even a sense of mild nausea that arises from an internal system that has been driven for a loop. So the best medicine for jet lag is good preparation so you can ease into the change of location without too much stress. By decreasing the jet lag results before they even occur, you make the potential that your business meetings will go well much more possible.

  •  Start adjusting in advance. If you can set yourself on your address’s time frame a few days in advance, the jet lag won’t be as critical. Start fixing your sleep times, and when you get your meals even before the trip starts, you are already “being in that time zone” before you even start the journey.
  •  Keep a clean diet. Jet lag experts advise that you simplify your diet significantly for several days before the trip. Begin to reduce the number of fatty foods, carbs, sugars, and oils in your diet and enhance the level of fruits, greens, and fluids you consume. It will make your system more active and able to adapt to change.
  •  Provide yourself time on the other end. Try to make adjustments to reach a day before your meetings, so you have time in your hotel room to relax and plan for business purposes.
  •  Reduce physical stress causes. During a stressful time, try to lower down on physical stresses such as drinking or intense physical exercise, so your body has more resources to handle the jet lag signs.

By considering jet lag, you take the steps you need to take to reduce a threat to your business goals’ progress on this trip. So if you can reduce the impact of jet lag, your business trip will be a lot more prosperous.
