Rights of Pregnant Women in the Workplace


The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has reported a yearly increase in pregnancy discrimination cases received since 2006. In 2008, the EEOC received 6,285 pregnancy discrimination cases; Los Angeles pregnancy discrimination attorneys can help women who are victims of this type of discrimination in getting damages and resolving their issues. According to EEOC, of the 6,285 cases, 5,282 of those have already been resolved. The monetary benefits recovered for pregnancy discrimination victims total to about 12.2 million dollars.

The Pregnancy Discrimination Act or PDA protects women from discrimination based on pregnancy and childbirth. It covers all employers with more than 15 employees that include state and local governments.

The Pregnancy Discrimination Act protects women in the following:

– Hiring – A woman cannot be refused employment based on her pregnancy, pregnancy-related condition, or the prejudices of other employees, clients, and customers toward pregnant women.

– Pregnancy and Maternity Leave – If a pregnant woman is not able to perform her duties as a result of her pregnancy, the company must treat her situation as they would treat any other disability case.

Pregnant women must be allowed to work until they can. If she is absent from work because of pregnancy-related concerns and recovers, the company cannot require her to take a leave until childbirth. The company must also keep the job open for pregnancy-related issues the same length of time when other positions are held open for an employee on disability leave.

– Health insurance – If a company provides health insurance to its employees, then it should also cover all pregnancy-related conditions the same way it would treat costs for other medical conditions.

Abortion is not required to be covered by the company and health insurance unless to save a mother’s life.

You should be reimbursed for pregnancy-related expenses the same way it covers costs for other medical conditions. It does not matter if it is on a fixed or percentage of reasonable-and-customary-charge basis.

The amount to be paid by the insurance provider can be limited to the same extent as those for other medical conditions.

– Fringe Benefits – All employees must include pregnant women, and pregnancy-related benefits should not be limited to married couples only.

If a company provides benefits to employees on leave, then the same should be given to women on pregnancy-related concerns.

Pregnant women should also be treated the same way as temporarily disabled employees are treated in terms of accrual and seniority crediting, increase in pay, vacation, and other disability benefits.

Discrimination against a pregnant woman, or an individual who is witness to any form of discrimination, you can contact your human resources department about the process of filing a complaint.

You can also seek legal help.

Los Angeles pregnancy discrimination attorneys can help women uphold their rights as a pregnant woman in the workplace. They can also protect women and other individuals who oppose discrimination from retaliation from employers, the company, or even fellow employees.
