Wednesday, May 1, 2024

    The Healthy Dancer


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    Fuel the body

    Good food habits such as eating a small breakfast before morning class will stimulate the mind and improve concentration levels allowing you to focus well on the day ahead. Combining this with eating the right foods and having a correct nutritional content balance will increase your energy levels. Full-time training does take its toll on the muscles, joints, and bones. An excellent dietary diet plays an essential part in the recovery of stress and strain. It is important to eat and hydrate within 40 minutes after exercise to assist with the growth of lean muscle, Muscle repair, soft tissue repair, soreness prevention, and the ability to bounce back for classes or rehearsals the next day. Establishing an excellent nutritional balanced diet supports a long and lasting healthy career.


    This enables the body time to regenerate muscles in-between classes or rehearsals. By decreasing, fatigue will reduce the chance of injury. Continuous training without sufficient rest will harm both dancers’ general health and their level of performance. A good night’s sleep is vital if we expect our bodies to produce the following day’s highest standards.

    Look after your mental health.

    By eating a nutritional diet, accompanied by a fair amount of rest will undoubtedly guarantee a better state of mind. It is widely known that some of the benefits of dance help with depression and low self-esteem. For a dancer, mostly in full-time training or with a company, it is necessary to feel in a positive state of mind and be self-motivated as much as possible. Often dancers experience rejection and hear negative feedback, which is not always received as constructive, deeming an unhealthy state of mind. When we feel supported and understood by those close to us, this may be by having an outlet to share feelings of being listened to, and the opportunity to talk to others in similar situations can all help boost a dancer’s confidence and self-esteem levels, giving them a sense of control again.

    Insist on good technique.

    The technique is required in all styles of dance. This is provided by intense control of the core. When a dancer cannot compact the core against the spine, the movements end up looking weak. Landing from such complicated and intricate footwork will create injury risks if the spine and pelvis are unprepared. When dancers execute choreography, they are often required to push their bodies to the extreme, and therefore their body conditioning must go to the next level. Amalgamate strength and good safe teaching practice, and you set the wheels in motion for sound technique, which prevents injury and keeps a dancer in training and therefore able to perform.

    Every dancer and dance teacher can ensure that they remain healthy by including core conditioning exercises and nutritional knowledge into their dance training and lifestyle. This will help to improve the body and mind, therefore, reducing the risk of injury.

    It is significant to educate young dancers today about the importance of being a ‘healthy dancer when training for a classical or commercial career in dance. A healthy dancer is a thinking dancer. A thinking dancer is an employed dancer.



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