New Beginnings


by Stefany J. Jones on Thursday, July 20, 2020, at 3:00 pm

It has been about two weeks since my last post, and as usual, it was yet another life event that was the cause. I am a person who has historically been driven by my heart, my sentiments, my feelings, and my emotions. I am a real spiritual being having a soul experience in the presence of a body. I also must admit that I am a little too slow on some things and way too fast on others. One of the slowest lessons I’ve had to learn in this life is the lesson of PEOPLE… Oh me, oh my when I tell you… PEOPLE. Um, um um.

For the life of me, I have had most of my traumas, hardships, anguish, and tragedies over people. I have made my greatest mistakes, climbed to the highest mountaintops, and also become the most perfected as a result of my interactions with PEOPLE. The irony is that the lesson that I have learned more recently that I never got previously and only now realize is that PEOPLE will never fully have the ability to walk in unconditional love as human beings because they do not walk in the desire to search a man’s heart before interactions. I guess that is why the GOD relationship is so prevalent and critical… GOD KNOWS A MAN’S HEART.

GOD KNOWS A MAN’S INTENTIONS, and when you are armed with both, you are always able to see situations with a different eye and a more compassionate scope of view.

The bible says that GOD chastises whom He loves, and I have had to live with a decision I made to ignore His warning signs. Let me tell you that dealing with the repercussions of disobedience to what you know in your spirit you are supposed to do and instead respond to the flesh is no joke. Also, never discount what your spirit man says. You must always be secure in who you are, and you must KNOW that YOU KNOW. Staying in the vibration of a pure heart, with pure intentions, with a love vibration is all that you will ever need to meet this life’s challenges with success. A person who stays in the wave of love honors compassion and understanding at all costs and only an individual who has experienced LOVE can ever meet another with such sentiment.

These past two weeks have been monumental for me. The first week was met with anguish, pain, hurt, and strife, and the second was met with love, peace, growth, compassion, and blessings. The LORD is so very GOOD to me, and my relationship with HIM supersedes any that I could have with any other human being on this planet. As I am moving more and more into purpose and destiny, the shake-ups are getting bigger and more durable than ever before. I am being met with more force than ever before, and I am learning to STAND.

I am still STANDING and STANDING TALL, because what hurts me makes me stronger, makes me better, and makes me human.

