How To Overcome Sadness


As human beings, we are empowered to feel different kinds of emotions. When there are things that are happening according to what we plan, we feel happy. When we lose a loved one, we feel down. Emotions are there to help us express our inner selves. It can play an essential part in how we think and act. The emotions we feel each day can force us to take action and affect our choices about our lives, both large and small. When confronted with a nerve-wracking situation, you might feel a lot of worry about whether you will do well. Due to these emotional responses, you might be more likely to conscious. Since you encountered a particular emotion, you had the motivation to do something positive to enhance your chances of getting a positive outcome. But of all the emotions, sadness is something that we would want to have.

Sadness is a human sensation that all people feel at definite times during their lives. Feeling sad is a normal response to situations that affect emotional subversion or discomfort. Besides, sadness can improve your motivation. It triggers more effort and motivation to deal with a hurdle in our environment. Sadness can also enhance awareness. Sad moods lessen other natural judgmental prejudices, such as “the fundamental attribution error,” in which people blame intentionality to others’ behavior while neglecting situational factors, and the “halo effect,” where judges tend to think a person is having some positive feature—such as a handsome face—is likely to have others, such as kindness or intelligence. 

The benefits of sadness have their limits, of course. Once it hits you, you necessarily want to address it immediately. What do you do to overcome sadness? Here are some suggested tasks.

Acknowledge your feelings

There is no step to overcome sadness without acknowledging first that you are sad. Sadness is normal. Research has shown that encountering mixed feelings and negative feelings is vital to mental well-being. Many studies have shown that people who apologize for or repress their feelings amplify those negative feelings.

Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness means keeping a moment-by-moment consciousness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sentiments, and the surrounding environment through a kind, soft lens. Mindfulness also includes acceptance, meaning that we pay attention to our thoughts and emotions without judging them—without considering, for example, that there’s a “right” or “wrong” way to think or feel in a given moment. When we exercise mindfulness, our thoughts harmonize into what we’re sensing in the present moment rather than repeating the past or imagining the future.

Be active

Exercise can have an enormous impact on your mood. It is thought that training can be just as effective as anti-depressants in treating mild-to-moderate depression. Not only can exercise help you with your sadness, but it can also prevent people from becoming depressed. Again, you can go out for a walk, try other hobbies, and finish that book you longed to spend.

Talk to someone

Call or text a friend who can listen to your rants. Or perhaps call an old friend and talk about things, and both of you can scold the shitty situation. Schedule a time or a day to meet.


It’s not comfortable that you can open up your situation. So take a piece of paper or a notebook or open the note app in your smartphone and release down the ocean of emotions deep inside. Just write your heart out even to the most sensitive details. No one will judge you.

These are just many of the suggested activities that can help with your sadness. All of these might not work for you but at least give it a try. You will never know. A person enduring sadness can habitually find some relief from crying, venting, or speaking out frustrations. More often than not, sadness has bonded to a particular trigger. But if your sadness lasts for a long time and actions such as mentioned above were not helping, it would be most helpful to see your doctor. Millions of people around the world experience sadness or depression at some point in their lives. However, knowing the distinction between a diagnosis of depression and the emotion of sadness can help a person process both in a healthy way.
