by Stefany J. Jones on Thursday, July 20, 2020, at 1:00 pm

I can’t even begin to describe the sentiments of where I am this morning. I am feeling very renewed, refreshed, and energized with gratitude, joy, peace, and love. I had an extremely productive workday yesterday, and that’s always a winner for me since I am an entrepreneur and self-employed (smile).

Also, I had a fabulous late lunch with two of my dear ‘brothers,’ and although one of them got called away on an emergency, as usual, he did his thing and picked up the entire tab. As always, it was an excellent dining lunch, so I was treated to a beautiful meal, and I ate my fill. And as an entrepreneur, that is always a blessing as well, so SMILE.

So anyway, as the day’s events unfolded, I was involved in meeting after meeting, conference call after conference call, and business as usual. Every item on the to-do list proved to be fruitful, and that’s always a good thing. I am learning that for me, when I obey the voice within my spirit, listen and take heed; I don’t go wrong. Even if I err and am wrong in certain situations, if I have mistakes in judgments, all those things that would typically appear to be disastrous never play themselves out as so.

I am learning that when we dare to go against the grain of what man would have us to think, do, and believe, there is a different journey, we end up taking.

I am learning that I don’t want to drive with traffic, I feel like if anything, that has been my one hold up to everything operating in my favor and I’ll tell you why.

I am not like everyone else or anyone else on this planet. I don’t think as other people do, I don’t feel the same about things that other people think. I don’t see the world, people, places, money, stuff as others, and I don’t live with the same generalizations nor motivations as the masses. So if that is the case and I am so uniquely different and set apart, how would going with the flow of everyone else ever serve me and my best interests well? Exactly.

Time has proven that when I march to the beat of my drum, I am talked about, lied on, back-stabbed, and kind of despised. But it has also proved that I get further than my counterparts, and I have unspeakable joy and an unshakable peace that is almost difficult. It has taken me a very long time to love myself and the skin I am in. It has taken even longer, well into my adulthood, not to allow people or their opinions of me affect me. Truth be told, when people mention unkind things that others have said, it still kind of bothers me.

So rather than continue to quiet the good spring that continues to try to burst through the very depths of my soul, I think I will no longer give more credence to “fitting” in, being accepted, and not making other people feel uncomfortable around me just to be the GOD who orders my footsteps. I am not going to keep apologizing for who and how I am, and I don’t care how I appear or what I do looks to other people.

I’m going to continue to be led by the spirit and see the destination THAT road map takes me because I know where all other roads end… I hear it every day in general conversations, in the creative content of mainstream media, preached from pulpits, and in print whenever possible. However, with all of that, I am indeed learning how to CHANNEL my energy, my thoughts, my gifts, and especially my WORDS. I am learning how to CURB MY ENTHUSIASM by making sure the audience I am addressing can indeed handle who I am, how I am, and what I have to offer. I am learning how to LISTEN more and SPEAK less in situations that warrant that discipline. I am growing in wisdom (smile).

I’m not scared to go against oncoming traffic, and I have no fear of being knocked down. I’ve already been there and done that and at the end of the day when I look back on the last 20 years of my life and how I’ve lived it, who knew I could accomplish so very much without ever knowing the value of it or that it was even an accomplishment, to begin with?

I guess I’ll just keep it moving and wait for the revelation 20 years from now as I look back and witness how things could even get better or be greater… and this time I am making sure I’m CONSCIOUS and CONSCIENTIOUS during the ride because I don’t want to miss any parts of it. I am living with the expectation of loving every moment and part of my life, even those moments when that might not be so easy to do. No worries, because I’m sure that what doesn’t bring me joy will bring me strength through the journey, and who wouldn’t want to be strong enough to handle what life brings? Me, I’m courageous and robust enough to LOVE so if I can do that. There’s nothing else that comes close to being able to conquer because the ability to LOVE strong is the most powerful and the strongest attribute & skill one could ever possess, and I’ve got that one down to a science.

