Thursday, April 25, 2024

    Facing the Future

    Sometimes the unknown of change can feel uncomfortable, scary, and even frightening. So how can we move through times of change and stay connected...


    by Dr. Melanye Maclin, M.D. Hair Research Dermatologist  www.drmaclin.com Serious news regarding the use of hair chemicals and a significant health issue officially emerged in December 2019...

    Get Rid of Depression

    Are you moody, anxious, grumpy, exhausted, inundated, or emotionally unstable? These kinds of mood disorders have become shockingly widespread, and in a lot of...

    A Love Mindset Transformed

    Love into your life—Everything is energy, including us. We're continually vibrating something. What we center attention on decides how we're vibrating. By focussing attention on...

    The Unusual Friend

    In a big city where you know no one, it isn't easy to find a place of your own—an area which will be home...

    Time Management for Freelancers

    It demands time to get a freelance business; it takes time to build yourself, and it needs time to earn money. All of this...
