Diverticular Disease Affects Over 2/3’s of Seniors


You can’t manage to disregard the details that these disturbing statistics should increase your warning meter and take it to new elevations. Three dangerous reasons for this illness are:
– Diverticulosis
– Diverticular Bleeding
– Diverticulitis
What it is and how you can control this condition is within your hands. Let’s take a look at what is and how it hits you or your loved ones.

First, the illness starts with small deposits of little pockets. Sometimes, these pockets are infinite, also called diverticula, and they grow in the bowel wall. These formations can be as short as low-dose aspirin, or they can be more tangible.

When internal stress rises in the bowl and presses against the walls, liquid, waste, and gas move along the colon’s length and force them out. Much like a backyard hose, if you extended to push water through a vulnerable spot, eventually, it’s going to bulge. Did you know Diverticula to forms while straining to have a bowel movement? These pockets are seen mostly in the lower portion of the intestinal walls and the large intestine (sigmoid colon). Something you should know:
– Diverticulosis is Common
– Occurs in 10% of the Population Over Forty-Years-of-Age
– Occurs in 50% of the Population Over Sixty-Years-of-Age
– Diverticulosis Complications Occur in 20% of People with the Disease
– Rectal Bleeding (Diverticular Bleeding)
– Diverticular Infection (Diverticulitis)

What is of particular concern is the lack of symptoms. There is a noticeable tenderness reported by people. Some feel sensitivity in the area or speak of abdominal cramps. You can be feeling perfectly fine and experience an attack, consisting of:

– Diarrhea
– Alternating Diarrhea with Constipation
– Craps
– Tenderness in the Lower Abdomen
– Chills
– Fever
Your doctor may test for Diverticular Disease by recommending one of the tests below to diagnose you. They are:

– X-rays
– CT Scanning
– Ultrasound Testing
– Sigmoidoscopy
– Colonoscopy
– Blood Tests
– Angiography (to locate the bleeding source)
Most people don’t know they have Diverticular Disease until tested for another reason, completely unrelated. If you struggle one or more of the earlier symptoms, it may be time for you to lock up, take note, and take care of your digestive health.

One of the most crucial areas you have authority over is your diet. A Diverticulitis Diet with the best Diverticulitis Foods in the correct orders can make all the variation in how your intestines process food. Why would you stay to endure if you had a choice?

Meet someone who knows how impairing this illness can be, meet Mike Hohlweg, a person who isn’t satisfied to keep a proven solution to himself. His purpose is to elucidate pain for others like himself, who endure from this illness. Mike is an average guy. He was exhausted from fighting to get into his days of pain-free. Finding the Diverticulitis Diet, including Diverticulitis Foods, and his whole world changed. He saw fellow patients of this condition and determined he had to reach out to as many people as he could to assist them too. Sure, he could have lived pain-free and kept all the gains for himself, but that is not who he is. He found something else: He began smiling more and seemed like he had a completely new body, one working with him, not opposite him. You can see this for yourself. Mike has done the Diverticulitis Pain-Free Diet possible to fellow patients like himself.

Note: The remarks enclosed herein have yet to be assessed by the Food and Drug Administration and can not be changed for or interpreted as a qualified medical aid. People with low well-being, including those with Diverticulitis, should ask a medical doctor’s guidance before beginning any change in diet or lifestyle. The author is not a medical professional member and does not give this data as medical advice. The learning included in this article is from expert study and personal experience. Consider this research as the input of a researcher or trained layperson.
